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Welcome to Ocean’s Bridge Oil Painting Reproductions

Our artists are the best in the business, and have created oil painting reproductions for clients that include the rich and famous, major real estate developers, hotels, restaurants, museums, internationally renowned interior designers, and, most importantly, individual art lovers worldwide!

On our site you can learn about how you can become the owner of genuine oil on canvas works of art, lovingly painted by a real artist to your exact specifications. In the same way kings, queens and presidents used to commission portrait paintings in days gone by, you too can appoint one of our artists to create the painting of your dreams.

Turner, Joseph Mallord William

Norham Castle on the River Tweed

Art Nouveau


Animals & Wildlife

Dignity and Grace

Fry, Roger

Flowers in a Vase


Got the paintings. They look great! S.J.


The painting is AWESOME. My wife loves it. We had company over the house this weekend and it was one of the very first things they noticed in our house when they walked in the door. I’ve been recommending your services to everyone and forwarding links to your website. Nick


I’ve been pretty busy and today is the first breathing moment I have had to tell you that the painting you did for me (#3248) arrived last week and I am very happy with it, as was the staff here in my office. Once again — I was really happy with the painting and it is now hanging in my dog’s room. Yes, he does have his own room! – D.R.

British Artists

These famous British artists are just some of those in our art collection, so if [...]

French Artists

These famous French artists are just some of those in our art collection – France [...]

Finnish Artists

These famous Finnish artists are just some of those in our art collection, so if [...]

Danish artists

These famous Danish artists are just some of those in our art collection, so if [...]

Cool Paintings

“Cool” has different interpretations to different people. For this collection we’ve put together a selection [...]

Czech Artists

These famous Czech artists are just some of those in our art collection, so if [...]

Russian Artists

These famous Russian artists are just some of those in our art collection, so if [...]

Canadian Artists

These famous Canadian artists are just some of those in our art collection, so if [...]