Crivelli, Carlo

Showing all 10 paintings

Carlo Crivelli

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page
This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Crivelli, Carlo

Madonna and Child ca 1480

This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page
This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Crivelli, Carlo

Saint John The Evangelist

This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Crivelli, Carlo

Saint Peter The Apostle

This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Crivelli, Carlo

The Crucifixion

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Crivelli, Carlo

The Saviour Blessing

This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page