Herbert, John Rogers

Showing all 27 paintings

John Rogers Herbert

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Herbert, John Rogers

A Young Maiden

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Herbert, John Rogers

Asyut on the Nile 1873

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Herbert, John Rogers

Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Herbert, John Rogers

Cordelia Disinherited

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Herbert, John Rogers

Cordelia Disinherited 1850

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Herbert, John Rogers

Crusaders Wife

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Herbert, John Rogers

David Strangling the Lion

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Herbert, John Rogers


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Herbert, John Rogers

John the Baptist Reproving Herod

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Herbert, John Rogers

Judith and Holofernes

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Herbert, John Rogers

Laborare est Orare

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Herbert, John Rogers

Lear and Cordelia

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Herbert, John Rogers

Saint Gregory Teaching His Chant

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Herbert, John Rogers

Sir Thomas More and his Daughter

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Herbert, John Rogers

Sir William Gilstrap

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Herbert, John Rogers

Susanna (study)

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Herbert, John Rogers

The Brides of Venice

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Herbert, John Rogers

The Judgement of Daniel

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Herbert, John Rogers

The Judgement of Daniel

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Herbert, John Rogers

The Youth Of Our Lord 1586

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Herbert, John Rogers

The Youth of our Lord 1847 56

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Herbert, John Rogers

Tobias and the Fish

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Herbert, John Rogers

Woodland Scene