Lambdin, George Cochran

Showing all 26 paintings

George Cochran Lambdin

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Detroit Institute of Art

At the Front

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Climbing Roses

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Floral Still Life

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Lambdin, George Cochran

He Loves Me He Loves Me Not

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Pink and Yellow Roses

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Pink Rose Bud

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Pink Yellow and White Roses

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Portrait of General Ulysses S Grant

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Reverie Sunset Musings

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Lambdin, George Cochran


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Lambdin, George Cochran

Roses 1

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Roses 1878

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Roses 2

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Roses 4

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Roses 5

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Roses in a Vase

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Roses in a Wheelbarrow

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Roses in a Wheelbarrow

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Roses on a Wall

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Side of a Greenhouse 1870

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Lambdin, George Cochran

Still Life of Roses

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Lambdin, George Cochran

The Courtship

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Lambdin, George Cochran

The Last Sleep

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Lambdin, George Cochran

The Little White Heifer

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Lambdin, George Cochran

Woman with Roses