Lerolle, Henry
Chase, William Merritt
Lemoine, Marie Victoire
Atelier of a Painter Probably Madame Vig Le Brun and Her Pupil
Davis, Charles Harold
Cassatt, Mary
Cox, Kenyon
Jarvis, John Wesley
Met Museum of Art
Hartley, Marsden
Cropsey, Jasper Francis
Autumn Landscape Sugar Loaf Mountain Orange County New York 1870
Millet, Jean-Francois
Inness, George
Met Museum of Art
Inness, George
Lafarge, John
Hassam, Frederick Childe
Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille
Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille
Met Museum of Art
Met Museum of Art
Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille
Ensor, James
Ricci, Sebastiano
Met Museum of Art
Met Museum of Art
Met Museum of Art
Delacroix, Eugene
Metropolitan Museum of Art - European Collection
Met Museum of Art
Cezanne, Paul