Charles Harry Eaton

Showing all 13 paintings

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Eaton, Charles Warren

A Normandy Landscape

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Eaton, Charles Warren

Autumn after Rain

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Eaton, Charles Warren

Autumn Brook

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Eaton, Charles Harry

Boating on a Waterway

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Eaton, Charles Warren

Early Spring

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Eaton, Charles Harry

Marshes of the Shiawassee

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Eaton, Charles Warren

Spring Landscape along a River

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Eaton, Charles Warren

Summer Days

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Eaton, Charles Warren

Summer Meadow

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Eaton, Charles Warren

Summer Wind

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Eaton, Charles Warren

Sunset after a Storm

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Eaton, Charles Warren

The Lily Pond

This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Detroit Institute of Art

The Lily Pond