Francois Pascal Simon Baron Gerard

Showing all 26 paintings

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Alexander I of Russia

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Caroline Bonaparte

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Catherine Worlee

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Charles Andre

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Desiree Clary

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Empress Josephine

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

General Jean Victor Moreau

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Hortense de Beauharnais

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Joachim Mura

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Joachim Murat

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Joseph Bonaparte

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Joseph Recognised by his Brothers

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon


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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Madame Tallien

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Marie Amelie de Bourbon

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Marie Laetitia Ramolino

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Marie Louise

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Napoleon Bonaparte

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Napoleon I

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Portrait of a Lady in an Empire Dress

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Portrait of Jerome Bonaparte

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Portrait of Madame Recamier

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Portrait of Marie Laczinska

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Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon

Psyche Receiving the First Kiss of Cupid 1798

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