John Butler Yeats

Showing all 32 paintings

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National Gallery of Ireland

Douglas Hyde

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

National Gallery of Ireland

George Moore

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National Gallery of Ireland

George William Russell A E

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National Gallery of Ireland

Hester Dowden as a Child

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

National Gallery of Ireland

Jack B Yeats as a Boy

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Yeats, John Butler

Jack B Yeats as a Boy 1

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National Gallery of Ireland

John O’Leary

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National Gallery of Ireland

John O’Leary 1

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National Gallery of Ireland

Lady Gregory

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National Gallery of Ireland


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National Gallery of Ireland

Mary Lapsley Caughey

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New Paintings

Miss Margaret Grierson

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Yeats, John Butler

Mrs Lenny

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National Gallery of Ireland

Mrs Mary Tower Lapsley Caughey seated

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National Gallery of Ireland

Mrs Mary Tower Lapsley Caughey standing

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National Gallery of Ireland

Pippa Passes

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New Paintings

Portrat of a Man

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National Gallery of Ireland

Reverend Patrick S Dineen

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National Gallery of Ireland

Rosa Butt

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National Gallery of Ireland

Ruth Lane

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New Paintings


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New Paintings


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National Gallery of Ireland

Standish James O’Grady

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National Gallery of Ireland

Susan L Mitchell

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Yeats, John Butler

Susan Mary Lily Yeats

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New Paintings

Symbolist Head

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National Gallery of Ireland

The Artist’s Wife

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National Gallery of Ireland

Violet Osborne

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National Gallery of Ireland

Wash study portrait of William Butler Yeats

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National Gallery of Ireland

William Butler Yeats