Met Museum of New York

Showing 1501–1530 of 1552 results

Alexander, John White

Walt Whitman 1889

Robert, Hubert

Wandering Minstrels

Boucher, Francois

Washerwomen 1768

Met Museum of Art

Washington Allston 1818

Leutze, Emanuel Gottlieb

Washington Crossing the Delaware 1851

Met Museum of Art

Water Lilies 1919

Copley, John Singleton

Watson and the Shark 1778

Bonheur, Rosa Maria

Weaning the Calves 1879

16th and 17th Century European Paintings

Wheatfields detail

Met Museum of Art

Wild Weather ca 1930

Met Museum of Art

William Axtell 1749

Clear, Thomas le

William Cullen Bryant 1876

Met Museum of Art

William Eustis 1806

Met Museum of Art

William Gwynn 1821

Met Museum of Art

William M Chase N A 1902

Holbein, Younger Hans

William Roper

Donoho, Ruger

Windflowers 1912

Hassam, Frederick Childe

Winter in Union Square

Met Museum of Art

Wolf Ear Sioux

Courbet, Gustave

Woman with a Parrot 1866