Lecomte-Vernet, Charles Emile Hippolyte

Showing all 8 paintings

Charles Emile Hippolyte Lecomte-Vernet

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Lecomte-Vernet, Charles Emile Hippolyte

Battle in the rue de Rohan 28th July 1830 1830

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Lecomte-Vernet, Charles Emile Hippolyte

Battle in the Rue de Rohan 28th July 1830 1831

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Lecomte-Vernet, Charles Emile Hippolyte

Battle of Boussu 3rd November 1792 1845

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Lecomte-Vernet, Charles Emile Hippolyte

Empress Josephine

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Lecomte-Vernet, Charles Emile Hippolyte

Femme Fellah Portant

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Lecomte-Vernet, Charles Emile Hippolyte

The Second Siege of Mantua on the 2nd February 1797 1812

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