Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

Showing all 14 paintings

Edward Arthur Fellowes Prynne

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

Frederick Temple Bishop of Exeter

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

Henry Sewell Stokes

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

Jesus Falls beneath the Cross

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

Jesus Meets His Mother

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

Jesus Receives His Cross

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

John F Winnicott

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John Shelley

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

Piers Alexander Viscount Valletort

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

Simon Helps to Bear the Cross

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

The Reverend Henry William Hill

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

Thomas Chirgwin

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Prynne, Edward Arthur Fellowes

William Law