Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Showing all 19 paintings

Theophile Alexandre Steinlen

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

A Little Lift

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Ball in a Paris Suburb

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Animals & Wildlife

Cat on a Balustrade Summer

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Cat on the Floor

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Four Women with a Basket of Cherries

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Frise de chats

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Girl with Cat

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Pierrot et le Chat

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Portrait of a Young Woman

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Sortie du Moulin Rouge

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Standing Man

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

The Apotheosis of the Cats

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

The Ball of July 14

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

The Kiss

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

The Kiss

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

The Love in Green

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Two Cats Sleeping in the Studio

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Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre

Vase of Flowers