Met Museum of Art
The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist ca 1530
Palma, Vecchio
Renaissance - High
Renaissance - High
Piero, Di Cosimo
Renaissance - High
Renaissance - High
Renaissance - High
Renaissance - High
The Last Judgement altarpiece from Santa Maria degli Angioli 1431
Bosch, Hieronymus
The Last Judgement detail of a man being eaten by a monster 1504
Renaissance - High
The Last Judgement detail of Satan devouring the damned in hell 1431
Renaissance - High
Renaissance - High
Renaissance - High
The Last Judgement detail of the predella panel depicting Paradise 1460 65
Renaissance - High
The Last Judgement the entrance of the damned into hell 1445 50
Da Vinci, Leonardo
Renaissance - High
Bassano, Jacopo
Da Vinci, Leonardo
Renaissance - High
Madonna and Child
Madonna and Child
Francesca, Piero Della
The Madonna of Mercy central panel from the Misericordia altarpiece 1445