Arthur Trevor Haddon

Showing all 20 paintings

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

A Street in Damascus

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

An Interior with Two Women

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

Andrew Munro

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

Arthur Bernard Cook

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

Frederick John Horniman, MP

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

Frederick John Horniman, MP

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Haddon, Arthur Trevor

George Davis Hornblower

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

George Granville Lancaster

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Haddon, Arthur Trevor

James Haslam, MP for Chesterfield

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Glynn Vivian Art Collection – Swansea

Lord Glantawe

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

Miss Carpenter

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

Old Houses outside Toledo

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

Sir Edmund Taylor Whittaker

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

Thames-side Scene

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Haddon, Arthur Trevor

The Market, Gerona, Spain

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Haddon, Arthur Trevor

The Reverend Thomas George Bonney

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