Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev

Showing all 16 paintings

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page
This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page
This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Kustodiev, Boris Mikhailovich

Girl in a Church

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Kustodiev, Boris Mikhailovich

In the Throes of Passion

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Famous Russian Paintings

Merchant’s Wife Having Tea 1918

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Kustodiev, Boris Mikhailovich

Peasant with Speckled Hen, Costume Design

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Famous Russian Paintings

Portrait of Fyodor Chaliapin 1922

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This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

Famous Russian Paintings

Portrait of Ivan Bilibin 1901

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Kustodiev, Boris Mikhailovich

Public Garden on the Volga Bank

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Famous Russian Paintings

Shrovetide 1916

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Kustodiev, Boris Mikhailovich

The Merchants Wife

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Famous Russian Paintings

The Reel 1912

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Kustodiev, Boris Mikhailovich

The Toy Monkey

This Painting has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the Painting page

New Paintings

Woman with a Cup