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Welcome to Ocean’s Bridge Oil Painting Reproductions

Our artists are the best in the business, and have created oil painting reproductions for clients that include the rich and famous, major real estate developers, hotels, restaurants, museums, internationally renowned interior designers, and, most importantly, individual art lovers worldwide!

On our site you can learn about how you can become the owner of genuine oil on canvas works of art, lovingly painted by a real artist to your exact specifications. In the same way kings, queens and presidents used to commission portrait paintings in days gone by, you too can appoint one of our artists to create the painting of your dreams.

Aivazovsky, Ivan

The Wave

1889 to 1890 Saint Raemy

Starry Night 1889

Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Early Morning 1899

Famous Nudes


Kadar, Bela


Abstract - Modern



I received the painting today. I unrolled it just an hour ago, and it’s still on the floor in my living room. IT’S BEAUTIFUL. I AM VERY HAPPY. Please let your artist know that I am very pleased. I will be happy to recommend Ocean’s Bridge to anyone looking to have a painting made. I wish you continued success at Ocean’s Bridge and every happiness. All the best. Ramses


That just sent chills down my spine. It’s beautiful and magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Send it!!!!!!! This has been a project that I really debated on, and I think all my trepidations have been set aside. WOW!


Received the painting “Sunset, Truckee River” this evening. Thank you and especially your talented artist for your patience and for an amazing work. Can’t hardly wait to get it framed and hung. My art collection is now complete. I look foward to working with you in the future. Thanks again, Mark

British Artists

These famous British artists are just some of those in our art collection, so if [...]

French Artists

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Finnish Artists

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Danish artists

These famous Danish artists are just some of those in our art collection, so if [...]

Cool Paintings

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Czech Artists

These famous Czech artists are just some of those in our art collection, so if [...]

Russian Artists

These famous Russian artists are just some of those in our art collection, so if [...]

Canadian Artists

These famous Canadian artists are just some of those in our art collection, so if [...]